This school has 400 students plus 32 preschoolers. There is a shortage of teachers so this school is supposed to have 14 teachers and it has 9 teachers. Teacher/pupil ratio is supposed to be 1/45 but in most schools it is more like 1/60. It costs families $120 per year per student to attend school. Most of these rural families live on less than $1.00 a day...so many have to decide WHICH if ANY of their children can attend school. Students are thirsty for knowledge and appreciate their education. The children at this assembly didn't squirm, poke each other, or talk and their eyes were on the speaker.

English is the national language so students are taught English.

This is the condition of all the books I saw in this school. This classroom had 3 books.

This shows the condition of the blackboards, the only visual tool teachers have.

This is a typical classroom. The teachers and children clean once a week. They had just cleaned when we got there. They pour water on the floor and sweep it out the door.
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