These people were waiting at the mission site when we arrived at 7:30 in the morning to set up. That was because they had had along distance to travel to get there. Some had walked 10-20 miles. Hmmm...have you ever walked that far to see your doctor when
you were sick? It was cold and cloudy (70 degrees F.) and we were told we would have a better turn out when it warmed up and the sun came out, and that turned out to be true.

Our crowd control mission volunteers kept everyone in neat lines as they waited patiently for registration. From there the adults had their blood pressure and temperature taken. Children were weighed.

Then people waited patiently to see our one dentist from our Grand Junction, CO delegation and our three doctors from the Meru Government Hospital. They want to help with medical mission when ever they can because they can help a lot of people in a short time and prevent further overcrowding of the government hospital.

The next stop was our pharmacy where prescriptions written by the doctors were filled by our 12 volunteers and dispensed by registered pharmacists.

The last and most popular stop was the health kits. We gave 600 kits with soap, toothbrushes and tooth paste and other items to improve local community hygiene .
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